A Guide to Air Conditioning in Rental Property in Singapore: Expert Tips for Tenants

September 11, 2024

Landlords in Singapore provide good air conditioning in the rental property before tenants occupy the space. Once the tenancy agreement is signed and the tenant moves in, aircon maintenance is the responsibility of the tenant. In fact, in most cases there will be a clause in the rental agreement that requires the tenant to service air conditioning in the rental property and show proof of servicing during the lease period at the end of the tenancy.

In this article we will discuss what you should look out for in the tenancy agreement with regards to aircon maintenance and how you can maintain them well during the tenancy period.

Aircon Servicing Requirement in the Tenancy Agreement

In Singapore, the tenant should bear the responsibility of servicing air conditioning in the rental property. Scheduling of servicing happens once every three months, and many servicing companies offer a service package for a year or two. 

If you are moving into a new building as the first tenants to live there, you may receive some free aircon servicing as arranged by the maintenance of the building. However, it is important to know if this applies to you while moving into a new space.

If you face serious issues with the aircon unit at the place that falls outside the standard servicing and if any of its parts need a replacement, then your landlord will mostly be responsible for the costs. 

The type of system, the way it is operated, and the surrounding climate can all affect how frequently various types of air conditioning systems need to be serviced. Following are some general recommendations for maintaining various types of air conditioning systems:

Window Air Conditioners Typically require annual maintenance
Split Air Conditioners Usually require annual maintenance as well
Ducted Air Conditioning Often require maintenance every 1 to 2 years
Portable Air Conditioners Need to clean or replace filters regularly during the cooling season
Central Air Conditioning Typically need maintenance every 1 to 2 years
Commercial HVAC Systems Require more frequent maintenance, such as quarterly or semi-annual servicing

Servicing and Documentation of Air Conditioning in Rental Property

Clean the Aircon Filters Regularly

The first and foremost task you will have to focus on when it comes to aircon maintenance is cleaning and replacement of its filters. Make sure that you check, clean, and repair the air filters if necessary as they help you save power and cost to a great extent. It also ensures that the device runs with maximum efficiency in addition to ensuring your general health by reducing dust in the room. You can talk to your landlord about the frequency of service and changing the aircon filters.

Remember to Keep the Outside Unit of the Aircon Clean

Taking your health into consideration, you must always ensure the aircon unit is kept free from dust and other allergens. This can block the airflow inside the room; thus, the outdoor foliage should be kept trimmed and away from the unit. As a tenant, you should always know to make the area near the aircon unit free of clutter. 

Have a Check on the Aircon Coils

Changing the filters of the aircon on time goes a long way towards keeping its coil away from dirt. However, the coils will slowly end up collecting dirt and build-up as time passes. They will turn less effective in absorbing the heat along with dust in them, which will lead to decreased efficiency. Professional cleaners use a tool called fin comb to clean the aluminium fins and keep them in working condition.

Make Sure that You Clean the Drain Channels

Clogging of air channels will lead to water build-up around the unit. It will also result in the damage of surrounding floors and walls. However, professionals usually clean these channels using a stiff wire and ensure regular flow of air. 

Take Up the Maintenance Responsibility 

As a tenant, you are responsible for the basic maintenance of the aircon at the space to ensure that it is functioning well. Make sure that you follow the tenant responsibilities written in the lease to avoid confusion to both the parties. If the condominium is new, servicing should be free.

Keep Documentation

In situations where the aircon’s performance goes wrong, it is vital to keep a log of problems. This should include the date that the unit started to have problems and the contact you made/attempted to make with your landlord. Make sure that you keep the records and a few copies with you to stay professional. 

Sendhelper, being the best aircon service provider in Singapore, provides our clients with service reports after each service. These reports serve as proof of servicing to ensure peaceful apartment handover at the end of the tenancy.

Schedule Professional Aircon Servicing with Sendhelper

It is recommended to check the performance status of the aircon in the space you live by seeking professional help. Sendhelper helps you with the easy maintenance of the aircon unit at your rental property. We offer attractive subscription plans for quarterly and tri-yearly maintenance. You can use the invoice and service reports issued by us as proof of servicing.

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