How to Remove Mould: Treating Mould on Different Surfaces at Home

August 6, 2024

Mould is a fungus and its tiny reproductive cells called mould spores are present in every type of climate and everywhere around us. While some types of mould are beneficial to humankind, there are many of its varieties that are pretty dangerous. Mould is also present in the air we breathe, and hence it is not practically possible to remove it completely. However, you can control its growth on all surfaces at home with some good effort. Read more about how you to remove mould from various surfaces at home.

Understanding Mould and Mildew

Mildew is the most common type of mould we can find in our homes. It is a type of surface mould that grows on damp and warm surfaces such as fabrics, bathrooms, and books stored in dark and damp places. 

The growth of mildew starts as a white or grey powdery colony on surfaces, which will eventually turn brown or black if not removed early. You might mistake it for soil accumulation on floors, but you can take a close look to confirm that it is mildew. For this, you can dab the stain with a cotton pad after dipping it in household chlorine bleach. Ensure that it is mildew if you see that the stain disappears or lightens after leaving it for a couple of minutes. If the colour of the stain remains unchanged, it is mostly just dirt. 

A high concentration of mould inside your home will cause a musty smell. Damp places such as cloth hampers, padding of carpets or crawl spaces will cause an odour that will stay inside for long. A major thing to understand is that mildew will change its colour and cause damage to the surfaces on which it grows. Fuzzy and slimy mould in either black or green colour that appears on drywall underneath of wood mostly causes irreversible rotting - you should remove both the mould and affected surfaces as early as possible.  

Products to Use to Kill Mould 

Household bleach The use of regular household bleach will help greatly to kill mould and get rid of discolouration caused by it. But make sure to dilute the bleach before using it on any surface as it is quite harsh.
Borax and Baking Soda Both borax and baking soda inhibit the growth of mould on surfaces because of their high pH. They are non-toxic and affordable and are easy to use by mixing with water. Borax is more effective in removing the stains caused by mould when compared to baking soda, but it is not a strong cleaning agent. 

Safety Precautions While Cleaning Mould 

Shaking and brushing over different surfaces while cleaning mould may result in the aerosolization of mould, and hence you will have to take all the necessary precautions while cleaning it. Choosing to wear personal protective equipment is a good decision while cleaning mould from surfaces. They include gloves, safety glasses, protective clothing, a respirator or a face mask.  

Now let us have a look at how to remove mould from different surfaces of your home.

Learn How to Remove Mould on Different Surfaces

Removing Mould from Fabrics 

It is impossible to reclaim fabric items from mould growth if you are noticing the growth of mould much later. But, mildew can be removed easily from most fabric materials if they are treated early. 

Before you are all set to clean the fabric, take them out and brush as much mould from their surface to stop the spread and growth of mould spores inside your home. Use the warmest water that can be used on the fabric according to the wash and care label. Wash them using a regular detergent added along with a laundry disinfectant product. Soak the fabrics in a solution prepared using oxygen bleach and water for around eight hours if stains are still present in them after washing. You can take the fabrics out, wash them in clean water and allow them to dry. 

Note: If the fabric is a dry-clean-only material, brush away the mildew from its surface and take them to a professional dry cleaning service provider to restore them. 

Removing Mould from Leather 

You must have an eye on your leather items such as clothes, shoes and accessories throughout the year to see if any mould is growing on them. Also, check the cabinets and drawers in which you store your leather items - you should toss or treat the areas and containers if you see mould growth. 

Bring your leather items outside such as purses, coats, or shoes. If you are about to clean leather furniture, you should bring that too outside. Brush away the loose mould spores from the surface of the leather using a soft brush. Follow by wiping their surface using a soft cloth dipped in white vinegar, and then wiping with a bar of leather soap and warm water. Dry the surface using a soft and dry microfiber cloth and let the items dry completely. Follow by treating the belongings with a leather conditioner. 

Removing Mould from Carpeted Areas 

If your carpets have a musty smell with mould growth, you should replace your flooring/carpet completely. To start removing mould from carpets, cut your carpet and pad them into small sections using a utility knife. Make sure that you wear a mask or respirator before doing this to prevent the inhalation of spores, microbes and carpet fibres. Fill a spray bottle with water and lightly mist both the materials and underflooring using it to avoid the spread of airborne spores. Keep the remaining carpet cuttings in garbage bags and secure them using duct tape at the time of disposal. Follow by thoroughly cleaning the area using a vacuum and letting it dry completely for several days before replacing the carpets. 

Removing Mould from Interior Walls 

If you spot black fuzzy mould in the interior of your home, you should open the area to check for structural damages. Make sure that you wear safety glasses and respiratory protection when you are cleaning mould, especially black mould.

Prepare a solution using one part dishwashing detergent, ten parts bleach and ten parts water in a bucket. Apply the mixture to the interior surfaces such as drywall and wood using a soft sponge - make sure to not oversaturate the surfaces. Let the solution dry naturally on the surface before you do any repairing. If you are removing building materials, bag them in heavy-duty plastic bags and secure them using duct tape before disposing of them. 

Removing Mould from Exterior Surfaces 

Chlorine bleach is effective in cleaning mould from concrete, bricks, sidings, and stones of your home. We would like to remind you to wear gloves, safety glasses, a respirator and protective clothing. As exposure to bleach causes colour loss on fabrics and since they are harmful to plants, make sure to cover them using plastic sheets before you clean the nearby surfaces using bleach. 

Make a solution using one cup of chlorine in a gallon of water. Use a power washer to apply this solution to big mouldy surfaces. You can apply the solution on small surfaces using an abrasive sponge or a brush. Apply more plain water to the mouldy areas followed by more bleach solution and let it sit for some minutes. Scrub the area, reapply more bleach and repeat the process if the stain remains after the first wash. Move to the next mould-affected area when you see that the area has lightened. Air-dry the surfaces and rinse down the nearby areas using plain water to dilute bleach solutions that might have splashed onto the planted areas. 

Removing Mould from Tiles and Grouts

The humidity and body soil in bathrooms create more room for mould growth on tiles and grouts. You can use commercial cleaners to clean them, but a solution made using chlorine bleach and water is a less expensive choice. Make the bleach solution using one cup of bleach and one gallon of water. Apply a tolerant amount of solution to the mould-affected areas using a brush and leave it undisturbed for around fifteen minutes. Scrub the areas using a cleaning brush, rinse with water, and wipe dry the areas. If you still see mould stains, repeat these steps again.

Book a Professional Mould Removal and Cleaning Service in Singapore

The use of heavy-duty chemicals and proper disposal is required in the case of severe mould infestation. If you see mould growth in many areas of your home in Singapore and feel like you can’t handle the cleaning, you don’t need to panic. Get in touch with Sendhelper, the best deep cleaning service provider in Singapore. We know how to remove mould effectively. Our professionals will take care of mould removal, remediation and cleaning - all you have to do is download the Sendhelper app from the App Store or Google Play Store or visit the website to book an award-winning service.